currently crushing: baby clothes.

Since about 10 weeks or so I started slowly creating a baby registry. Adding things, removing others as I read review after review, pediatrician and evidence based articles, and watched other’s vlog experiences on Youtube. Well now that we know we have a little girl on our hands (!) I couldn’t help but get excited about clothes. (I would have done the exact same thing with a boy too.) So I wanted to share some fun shops I’ve found along the way. I’ve been doing quite a bit of virtual window shopping lately considering many stores have been closed or on reduced hours. These are from all corners of the internet and all across the globe. I can’t wait to get my hands on some of these precious duds after baby girl is here. Looking forward to hitting the thrift stores again someday too!

I might have gone a biiiiiit gangbusters on this post… but there are so many cute shops, holy moly! Just thought I’d share the love.

cc_baby clothes.png

Ava and Isa

I‘ve had my eye on that mustard romper since we found out we were expecting. It’s in my Etsy cart and I can’t wait to get it!

Aspen + Company

Baby bells… that is all.

Kyte Baby

Rainbow basics!

Little Baberham

This baby will wear bells.

it's a...

On a hot Sunday evening in June, in the midst of social distancing, our sweet friends surprised us with the baby’s gender. Part virtual celebration, with laptops set up in our backyard, we had our own small reveal with friends and family near and far.

After our 20 week ultrasound, we handed over a blank envelope containing a little yellow sticky note to our friend, Alaina. A few days later, sunshine, gold letter balloons, confetti poppers, and gender specific gift bags were had. It was a such a special night.

See photos for surprise!

Special thanks to baby girl’s local aunties and uncles for planning the night. Why didn’t we get a group photo?!

nursery plans.

It’s been quite an eventful first half of the new decade. 2020 started off with a bang. And to sum up 5 months very quickly, here’s the cliff notes version. I began teaching a design class at my alma mater. I helped coach a learn-to-skate class on the weekends. All the while keeping up with my day job and ever so slowly chipping away at house projects. Well, that first month of new endeavors came to a screeching halt when on Saturday, February 8 at around 10:30 am; I had a freak fall on the ice, and broke my lower right leg in 4 places. My foot was facing a different direction from my knee, and my tibia had broken skin and come out a bit just above my skate boot.

First real broken bone(s), first ride in an ambulance, first OR experience- oh my! It’s been a loooong period of recovery. To make matters a bit more interesting, and why that February 8th date is so important, we actually found out we were pregnant Friday, February 7- the day before! You can see our little announcement post here. So going into the surgery with that new knowledge made things even scarier.

Fast forward two months and just as I began to start working again from home, the nation went into a state of emergency. We are currently witnessing a global pandemic due to a coronavirus. Physical distancing, face masks, and self-quarantining are common practice. It is a very interesting time to be pregnant and healing!

Anyway, due to to the fact we cannot go into many physical stores at the moment, we created a mood board to kick start our design plans. We decided not to add insulation to this one room as it sits in between our master, and the garage, and right above the furnace. Thus it, and the bathroom, are likely the most insulated/warm spots in the house. So our changes are minimal- new trim, new paint, lots of cleaning. Obviously, we refinished the hardwood before we moved in 3.5 years ago, so that’s checked off as well! On to the cosmetics!


We’re envisioning a warm sunny vibe. Maybe some hints at places we’ve traveled- Greece, Spain, California, Mexico, perhaps? Once we find out gender I’m sure little tokens will be added here and there, but for the most part we’re trying to stay reasonably neutral. Octobers are such a beautiful month and in Michigan, when we’re lucky, summers can linger well into the fall. Mustard and rust colors remind us of those late summer days.

sunny boho mediterranean midcentury modern inspired nursery mood board


a little announcement.


We are adding a little one to this Fisher fam! This is not necessarily the way we initially thought to announce. Nor did we expect to be healing a compound fracture all the while witnessing a global pandemic during pregnancy. (More on that on our Instagram.) However, Dustin and I feel very excited, a little nervous, and extremely thankful for this new adventure!


Some happy snaps from baby’s first day at the beach: April 13, 2020.

poutine and fast cars.

Bonjour! We went to Canada.

Dustin has been longing to go to a Formula 1 race since we started dating. And last year over St. Patrick’s Day, as he and his friends contiiiiinued to talk about, I was like, “Sure, why not?! Let’s go.”

So this past June, we packed our bags and headed for a long weekend in Montreal, Canada so the boys could watch fast cars. Christine and I planned to explore Quebec’s largest city, so it wasn’t half bad for us either!

Did you know Montreal is an island?? Because we did not until about 2 hours before we boarded our plane. Another surprise was just how French it was. It felt like we were in real Europe in certain areas. Locals described Montreal as 50/50 and it definitely was. Everyone could speak English, if not multiple languages. Another noticeable difference from my usual day-to-day: it’s definitely a walking culture. That again reminded me of my trip to Europe. I noticed even the little daycares took the kids on walks- no matter which daycare, they all wore matching vests, baseball hats, and were connected by a long rope. haha So cute!

For whatever reason some of the best places we hit, I did not get photos. But I’m including them in the list because they definitely deserve a visit if you go to Montreal! Links in titles. 😊

FYI: the Montreal Tourism website is chock full of short and sweet, easy to digest information. Highly suggest giving that a look before you visit.

La Banquise

This was our first stop- for poutine, because when in Rome…- and it did not disappoint. Vibrant restaurant with big menu. I only ordered poutine once on the trip, which was plenty enough for me, and I’m glad it was from here.

Montreal Botanical Garden

This botanical garden is huge and could have easily been a full day excursion. Seriously it’s like… almost 200 acres. Christine and I did not plan for that and left after a few hours mostly due to hunger. Once you’re in the gardens, you’re in deep and the only place to eat is in the main building. So bring snacks! Unfortunately the rose garden was not yet in bloom and we missed all the interior greenhouses. So that was a bummer. However, the flowers and trees and architecture we did see were beautiful!

Old Montreal

I loved seeing the architecture of Old Montreal. That felt most European to me. Ornate architecture and cobblestone roads. This neighborhood also fully embraced Formula 1. I appreciated the touches of race decor that popped up. And from the old port, Christine and I could hear the cars racing from the next island over.

Olive et Gourmando

This place was tiny and hopping and for good reason! Their google description says, “Foodie destination for artisanal breads & sweets, with panini & salads, in a charming rustic space.” And it is quite literally that. The boys grabbed paninis on their way to the track while Christine and I split a croissant and their housemade sweet ricotta with honey, orange zest, and salt on toast and it was divine.

Notre-Dame Basilica

Prime example of “the photos don’t do it justice”. The amount of detail in this city’s “crown jewel” was amazing. Definitely a must to tour and learn the history!

La Petit Dep

C-store and bakery dripping in colorful, leafy, trendy goodness.

Old Port of Montreal

We stumbled upon the Old Port during a huge festival. Decided to beat the heat and go for a covered boat tour. Did I mention it was abnormally hot that weekend?

St-Viateur Bagel Shop

Staple. Had to stop in for a fresh one.

MoUnt Royal

The city’s namesake. It was the toastiest climb to the top of this small mountain and we definitely got our steps (and stairs) in that day.

St Catherine Street + THE VILLAGE

Christine and I walked around St Catherine Street East, which runs through The Village, so we could see the “Rainbow Balls” installation. We stumbled on an outdoor gallery and loved the abundance of colors in this LGBTQ neighborhood.


Like Old Montreal, this area (within the Le Plateau neighborhood) gets a separate call out. It was our last stop just Dustin and I before we headed to the airport. It was such a short period of time, but I think I could have explored this artsy district for a while.

Pastel Rita

If I could work in a coffee shop all day, it would be Pastel Rita. This trendy little spot combined my love for color and design with architecture and I just wanted to snap photos incessantly. Plus their avocado toast looks like art… I mean…! So happy Dustin and I stopped in our final hours.

Other snapshots from our trip. Mostly architecture- I’m a sucker for signage and exterior facades!
