
currently crushing: baby clothes.

Since about 10 weeks or so I started slowly creating a baby registry. Adding things, removing others as I read review after review, pediatrician and evidence based articles, and watched other’s vlog experiences on Youtube. Well now that we know we have a little girl on our hands (!) I couldn’t help but get excited about clothes. (I would have done the exact same thing with a boy too.) So I wanted to share some fun shops I’ve found along the way. I’ve been doing quite a bit of virtual window shopping lately considering many stores have been closed or on reduced hours. These are from all corners of the internet and all across the globe. I can’t wait to get my hands on some of these precious duds after baby girl is here. Looking forward to hitting the thrift stores again someday too!

I might have gone a biiiiiit gangbusters on this post… but there are so many cute shops, holy moly! Just thought I’d share the love.

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Ava and Isa

I‘ve had my eye on that mustard romper since we found out we were expecting. It’s in my Etsy cart and I can’t wait to get it!

Aspen + Company

Baby bells… that is all.

Kyte Baby

Rainbow basics!

Little Baberham

This baby will wear bells.

it's a...

On a hot Sunday evening in June, in the midst of social distancing, our sweet friends surprised us with the baby’s gender. Part virtual celebration, with laptops set up in our backyard, we had our own small reveal with friends and family near and far.

After our 20 week ultrasound, we handed over a blank envelope containing a little yellow sticky note to our friend, Alaina. A few days later, sunshine, gold letter balloons, confetti poppers, and gender specific gift bags were had. It was a such a special night.

See photos for surprise!

Special thanks to baby girl’s local aunties and uncles for planning the night. Why didn’t we get a group photo?!

a little announcement.


We are adding a little one to this Fisher fam! This is not necessarily the way we initially thought to announce. Nor did we expect to be healing a compound fracture all the while witnessing a global pandemic during pregnancy. (More on that on our Instagram.) However, Dustin and I feel very excited, a little nervous, and extremely thankful for this new adventure!


Some happy snaps from baby’s first day at the beach: April 13, 2020.

trip tease: mackinac island.

Happy New Year!

This past September, we traveled to San Diego, California and Mackinac Island, Michigan. The latter was with family. We took a step back in time and stayed at the Grand Hotel for a weekend. It was a short little stint full of color, horses, fudge, biking, some major waves, and good ‘ol fashion quality family time.

Here is our family video I’d love to say I just threw together, casually. But honestly, it took me dozens of hours. However, I love having it to relive the trip. And gifting it to my family this Christmas was very special.

So here you go Grama, this one’s for you!

Also, if anyone knows the secret sauce that prevents your videos from looking like faded garbage or adding random borders on in YouTube- do tell! It looks so pretty in Premiere!

year one.

There’s no way I could do this all in one post. I tried and wrote a novel- one that has been in the works for months. It’s hard to sum up, or want to sum up for that matter, your wedding day. So for now, here are are few photos, and more will soon follow… with said novel. It is the best gift to have this documentation to look back on and trigger all the memories.

Happy first anniversary, Dustin! This year has FLOWN by. I can’t believe we said our I do’s 365 days ago. I have loved the trips, projects, and everything in between this first year has brought. To all the years to come; I love you so much. ♥

I can’t wait to post more! Oh- and our video… ♥

Venue: Michillinda Lodge
Photographer: Justine Montigny
Videographer: Gabby Hulst
