currently crushing: mid century modern cat art.

There is an orange dumpster sitting in our driveway right meow! ...haha sorry... had to.

We're so excited to get to town on our kitchen reno and adding insulation to the front half of our house. BIG STUFF. A little nervous to be without a full kitchen for who knows how long, but summer is for grilling, is it not?

So to get us in the mood to tear things up (which who is never not in the mood for that?) here are a few decoration inspirations.

An ode to our furry bully and construction cat, Moo. MCM cat style!

Happy Friday, friends!

currently crushing: mid century modern cat art.
Want this coral kitty!

Want this coral kitty!

Furniture and fancy cats by Donna Mibus.

Furniture and fancy cats by Donna Mibus.

Cutie little brass cat from 86 Vintage.

Cutie little brass cat from 86 Vintage.

Super fun and funky MCM inspired art by El Gato Gomez. 

Super fun and funky MCM inspired art by El Gato Gomez

Excited to add this Siamese trio to our house someday.

Excited to add this Siamese trio to our house someday.

Another super fun abstract modern painting! See other works via their Flickr.

Another super fun abstract modern painting! See other works via their Flickr.

The king of bold MCM art- SHAG.

The king of bold MCM art- SHAG.

master bedroom closet plans.

In going through this renovation process, I've noticed I have become more aware of how we use things and what we need. Dustin and I met with a kitchen designer last year and he asked us to think about how we have used past kitchens, which cabinets go where, what works for us. Thrilled to even be thinking about a new space, we had the mindset of "Anything will be better than what we have! We'll make it work!" But being without for a while now, you learn how the simplest design decisions that are made with intention, serve a purpose, have a function, will totally enhance your life. That sounds so deep... but in the smallest way, it can make your process and your DAY better. So we're trying to keep that mindset (without overthinking things... which we do anyway) as we're customizing each of these new spaces.

One space I'm super jazzed about is our master bedroom closet. We quadrupled the square footage of the original 1960 size. It's still smaller than a standard walk-in, but much better! For the last year and a half, our "closet" has been the spare bedroom. It pretty much looks like a enclosed space of rolling hills if the rolling hills were piles of clothes...

So en lieu of eventual closet organization, and an upcoming trip to Ikea, this post is dedicated to the smallest room in our house- the closet. During demo, we made a recessed niche in the wall, in between the studs. I felt so proud of this small but intentional decision. We did the same thing in our bathroom shower as well.

And what will this little closet niche hold?! Sunglasses, hats, jewelry- oh my! Only time will tell. But holy moly are we SO ready to have a functioning closet again.



Also white and bright like the bedroom- helps the focus be on mah clothes. Intentional design, cute organizational containers, and functional space saving techniques. 



currently crushing: hex cement dandelion tiles.

Because the beginning of the week could always use some inspirational eye candy.

Really digging these starburst-esque tiles blowing up my feeds lately. We SCOURED the internet for a semi affordable, available-in-the-US, cement dandelion tile and just couldn't find any in time to make it happen for our bathroom. But it's probably for the best! You can see what our bathroom mood board ended up looking like in this post. We also realized the difference in floor height would be pretty drastic considering the thickness of cement tile. So for those just starting the process, maybe these links will help you in time! ...I'll be forever jealous!

hex cement dandelion tile inspiration
DROOL. Model cat and coral hex tiles. This image is from Blank Slate Reno and the tiles are from Riad Tile.

DROOL. Model cat and coral hex tiles. This image is from Blank Slate Reno and the tiles are from Riad Tile.

BRB moving to Texas where all the cool tile lives. Tiles above from Clay Imports in Austin.

BRB moving to Texas where all the cool tile lives. Tiles above from Clay Imports in Austin.

LOVE this green starburst from Cement Tile Shop. That's what I initially wanted for our bathroom floor.

LOVE this green starburst from Cement Tile Shop. That's what I initially wanted for our bathroom floor.

A dark teal option from Cle Tile in Cali.

A dark teal option from Cle Tile in Cali.

Clever DIY and budget friendly alternative over at A Beautiful Mess.

Clever DIY and budget friendly alternative over at A Beautiful Mess.

master bedroom plans.

During the initial demo days we discovered our house had nooooo insulation. So we're adding insulation one wall at a time, room by room. In the master bedroom we have two exterior walls. So far, we have added insulation, new drywall, primed, and painted. We combined our closet with another room's closet and increased the square footage a bit. With those updates crossed off our to-do list, most of my inspiration is for decor. The bedrooms are pretty much lovely blank canvases. 

bedroom 2.png


White and bright, neutrals with pops of color! Dustin requests an accent wall in there too. Thinking maybe wallpaper? On the hunt for a mid-century dresser because it's not an MCM-inspired bedroom unless you have one, right?!


