
the one where jen and dustin do a podcast.

OKAY SO. Let’s just jump right in and say we are by no means professionals in the field of restoration, renovation, or preservation. BUT we are attempting to do what we can, when we can, with what we have in order to update and refresh our little home. And we do have a story- a story that we chatted with Boise Mid-Century Homes about. And they just so happened to release a podcast episode of said conversation! (What?!)

This group of enthusiasts have big plans for the world of mid-century modern real-estate and their vision extends far beyond their home base in Boise, Idaho. It’s inspiring to talk to people who genuinely love what they do. And it was such an honor to be included amongst the professional interior designers, architects, preservationists, historians, and who’s who of this movement that have, or soon will, grace you earbuds.

Without further ado, click play below to hear a small piece of our story. And please forgive the audio issues… who knew the distance between face to microphone made such an impact on output quality…! haha #podcastnewbs

a digital scrapbook, if you will.

As written in our about page, we are project people. I, Jen, grew up with a glue gun in my hand. I love crafts and making things. I became interested in graphic design in junior high/high school. In college, I graduated with a fine arts degree and, by day, am an assistant director of creative and production at my alma mater. By night (and weekends) I freelance, craft whenever feasible, and work on our house! Which is our biggest project yet.

Dustin is hopelessly in love with Volkswagens. He has been fascinated with all things automotive since he was little. He has a special spot in his heart for the vintage, fun, and funky. This comes in handy considering he has a whole slew of vehicles in various stages of restoration including a 1979 Westfalia (!), and my new beetle. They're also my favorite. (We assumed that was a good sign when we first started dating.) Fast forward a couple years later and Dustin proposed while taking sold sign photos in front of our new home! More on that later.

Anyway, all this happened about a year and a half ago. I feel so #adult to have gone through the whole home buying process. It took us about seven months of hunting to find ours. And we LOVE IT. Upon closing, we tore in there with hammer in hand and dumpster in drive. Renovating our home really added momentum to the idea of starting a blog. I love scrapbooking. But I’m not great at keeping them going, working on them consistently in small chunks at a time. I need a month off work, me in an enclosed room surrounded by paper, stickers, and my mom to get me in the scrapbooking zone. However, I wanted to be able to track our progress and look back on the transformation we are undertaking. Thus, our plan for this here little digital scrapbook.

So happy launch day little blog! I’m excited to see where you take us. And looking forward to recounting our projects and adventures that will soon fill your (digital) pages.
