progress post: tile that tub!

From about October 2016 to January 2017 we used my sister's shower, work, ... or the gym on very rare occasions. Thank goodness they 1. live less than a mile and a half away and 2. weren't working on their shower at the same time. 

You probably noticed the floor tile isn't done. Of course not... that was a couple months later. You can see it here, though. Luckily, we knew what tile we wanted for the tub, but that floor was a wholeeee other decision!  Remember this idea? Anyway, we secured plastic over the subfloor and showered with the door open and fan on for about two months. #glamorous.

Also, don't get me started on the faucet knobs. I was told we could change those out later and we have yet to find a new set we like/works... so in the meantime, we're stuck with these default, yet period appropriate gems. Decisions are hard, guys!

But hey- after about three months, we could finally shower in our own home!

currently crushing: prickly pears.

Can you be in love with a plant? I'm sure lots would say it's entirely possible. Ever since we went to Greece for our honeymoon I've been longing for a prickly pear cactus. It was nearing the end of summertime in Greece, so many of my photos feature wilted and desaturated looking cacti. But still! Gah! How can I have one? How do I care for one? How do I keep our plant loving cat away from one?? Course one pricker to the nose, and Moo might stay away on his own.

We're thinking about incorporating a built in planter to our entry way/kitchen/living area. It's still in the works, but hoping we can pull it off. We've talked about herbs for the kitchen or just nice air-freshening, cat friendly plants. But I meannnn some cacti would be cool... Generally speaking, they are a staple of the whole MCM Cali-desert style. #myinspiration. I think we could create our own enclosed sanctuary in our little 1960's ranch in snowy Michigan.

Anyway, enjoy all this cactus loving goodness below. And don't even get me started on the tall Saguaros... I'm setting my sights on the flowering prickly pears first.

This is basically just a glorified post of my curated #plantlady Pinterest board. See the full bucket of inspiration here.

This blog post. Stunning simplicity. I mean look at those things!!

This blog post. Stunning simplicity. I mean look at those things!!

I LOVE Arielle Vey's photos. Ramona is pictured above. I would fill me whole house with them, if possible.

I LOVE Arielle Vey's photos. Ramona is pictured above. I would fill me whole house with them, if possible.

The shop at Wilder California is full of ethereal beauties like this one.

The shop at Wilder California is full of ethereal beauties like this one.

Light and bright from Loft Creative Co. Pink and green is always a good combo.

Light and bright from Loft Creative Co. Pink and green is always a good combo.

Sarah Sherman Samuel from their trip to Joshua Tree and 29 Palms Inn. Read the full post here.

Sarah Sherman Samuel from their trip to Joshua Tree and 29 Palms Inn. Read the full post here.

Pink pretties from Shannon Kirsten for Minted.

Pink pretties from Shannon Kirsten for Minted.

Blooms! Check out more of Ann's work at The Dreamery.

Blooms! Check out more of Ann's work at The Dreamery.

This colorful coffee table resident from From Etzer, With Love.

This colorful coffee table resident from From Etzer, With Love.

Better Homes & Garden's for the win! Tips on planting cacti in cold weather climates. 

Better Homes & Garden's for the win! Tips on planting cacti in cold weather climates. 

A make-your-own ceramic prickly pear! Oli's Cupboard is the cutest shop.

A make-your-own ceramic prickly pear! Oli's Cupboard is the cutest shop.

Okay, now I'm really stretching it- but I'm loving this hamper (and it's adorning flowers!)

Okay, now I'm really stretching it- but I'm loving this hamper (and it's adorning flowers!)

And a few pricklies from our honeymoon. ♥ Like I mentioned before, they were pretty end-of-season-ish...


Take me back!

demo days: bathroom.

Update! Or more like "Recap!" It's about time for one of those, right?

I started this blog to keep track of our projects, document progress along the way (not just post dated before photos and beautifully blown out after shots). To be honest this blog would have year long gaps if that were the plan.

However, it’s hard for me to decide what to include and what not… I’ve taken so many shots of demo and construction but I don’t know how to curate it into a nice little story. Plus, we bounce around from project to project, room to room; so it’s not like we complete one entirely before we start another. Is that how you renovate- one room at a time? Or do you bounce around?

Well, knowing that I love looking back on photos no matter what, I’ll just include a whole bunch. My blog after all. Thanks for making it through this inner monologue.

We started renovating the bathroom in August 2016, here are a few photos from the early stages.

By the way, the cover photo was the first layer of wallpaper in the bathroom. I love it.

If you didn't see our plans for the bathroom, you can check out the initial mood board here!

death by perfection.

I am dying a slow death thanks to perfectionism.

Okay, dramatic. Obviously I’m fine. But could I be happier? Maybe. Could I let more things go? Probably. Perfectionism is something that I will always struggle with- even after I post this declaration of flaws. It’s a common trait amongst firstborns, Capricorns, and procrastinators. Um hello, hi, this is me. (Also please realize I’m generalizing and everyone is different.)

But also you know who you are and you know I'm right... :)

For example, I have been trying to post a quickie little video we recorded of our kitchen demo. No biggie- should be pretty simple! It's gone something like this:

I have the clips… but now I want to add music… is this song too literal? I want something fun, but with lyrics, not instrumental. Add title. Kern kern. This song seems too deep- like whoa we're not that profound. It this too cutesy? Trim clips. Shoot, why did I think I could make this in a night? Google how to tilt composition. How do you make the words animate again... was that iMovie? No, I felt more comfortable in After Effects... I should stick with Premiere Pro though. Google how to animate text. Has it really been eight years since that college class when we made the stop motion animation?!


Still not done. #facepalm #facepalm #facepalm

So here begins my rant on why this specific trait is slowly killing me. Or at least putting a major damper on my days.

I personally ruined a good majority of a day during Memorial Weekend. I got all anxious thanks to a powerful combination of self-doubt, confidence issues, and good ole perfectionism. We did a ton of work on the house, yard, and even made some fun impulsive purchases! But all of a sudden it washed over me like this big angry disapproving cloud of disappointment. It wasn't enough. We're moving too slow. We should not make impulsive purchases. Others are negatively judging our choices.

Don’t get me wrong, I do love that I am detail oriented, picky, and an advocate for consistency. I believe those are good things to stand for. And I do believe in not half-assing stuff. Dustin and I talk about that with house projects all the time. But to what extent? I read an article from another blogger I follow on her discovery of this horrible curse- and why it's bad. You should read it here.

Everyone knows quality over quantity- yes? Most people can agree that's usually a good thing. Better to have one great thing than a bunch of mediocre things. But does that still fly with blogging? Is it still the case with personal projects you want to accomplish? Or is this the wrong analogy?

I probably run across a blog article, at least once a week, that has a big fat grammatical error in it. Mine probably do too. Does that suddenly diminish it's content, deem the author unintelligent and unworthy? No! At least I don't think so. It was a mistake. Yeah, not the most professional, but I wouldn't categorize blog posts and resumes in the same group. I notice the error and keep reading. I actually learned in a workshop that you should include minor errors in work emails as to appear human... like... not a bot. What a weird world we live in now?!?! But anyway, I digress.

I guess what I'm getting at is I feel that I would personally be happier if I put more out there- accomplished more projects, versus agonizing over when they are "done" and perfect. What filter and composition work best on my insta feed (UGH-why?!). Because here's the kicker- I rarely ever feel that way, and then nothing is ever done!! Hence why perfectionism is directly correlated to procrastination. It's crippling. And that is what the article above focuses on. "The root [of procrastination] essentially being perfectionism and putting off participating in life if you feel that you can't do it perfectly."

Perfectionists and procrastinators, we are putting off our life because we (consciously or not) feel that we cannot do it perfectly. I cannot finish this video. I cannot decide on these cabinets. I have not posted our wedding photos, have not finished any vacation photo books. I mean it's maddening to think of the amount of time I've put into projects and not finished them. Starting to feel a bit more like a personal problem, but I know there are others out there!

I wouldn't wish this on anyone, and I'm trying to be better. Let things go. Just buy the dang light fixtures. Finish projects- just get them done. I'll be happier to look back on them. Because I'm keeping myself from other fun opportunities by not finishing current ones. And watching them pile up is killer.

Don't procrastinate your life away due to perfectionism! If you have any tips- do share. :)

kitchen plans.

Fun fact. My grandparent's used to have this floral paneling- or one extremely similar- in their bathroom. I'm still salty they redecorated. RIP sparkly gold shell sink. I shall never forget you.

Just like our bathroom, the kitchen is a total gut job. We'll be keeping the galley floorplan. However, the plumbing and appliances will be relocated, flooring updated, window removed, etcetera, etcetera... starting to get nervous listing everything off like that.

But we're in too deep now, fingers crossed! Here we go!



Wood cabinets, white countertop, new floor, globe lights, brass accents, fun tile backsplash.

mid-century modern inspired kitchen

